Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cuentos Gracioso (Funny Stories you should ask me about one day)

1. First trip to an Argentine Dance Club
2. My key doesn't work
3. Watch out for dangerous dogs waiting to attack
4. What part of England are you from?
5. Locro (you actually probably don't want to know)
6. What's more dangerous a mama bear or mama bird? I'm not sure anymore
7. Tango is not a game
8. Truco
... to be continued

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fin de Febrero

I have almost been in Argentina for a month, march starts tomorrow. Last night I went to an Argentina birthday party after a church service and it was a lot of fun. We played a few solid games of jenga and ate pizza and cake. This is our last week of the summer intensive course and this weekend we are traveling to Buenos Aires! Things have been pretty busy, this weekend has been interesting because my family went on vacation and I had to use an argentine oven, which was an adventure. I've had a few tango classes and horseback riding classes, the horse classes are a lot more fun and we got to ride across a river in our last class. Its been good to be able to understand a little more spanish, but its still hard at night. When I'm out late at night with friends I get so tired its like I forget how to speak spanish at all. I just keep nodding my head and saying "Si si." I got to meet two missionaries from SC, David and Kristen, and I'm hoping to spend a lot more time with them. I have also had some very encouraging times with my friend Sergio, he is trying to get people to play frisbee on Saturdays and try to use it for ministry. When he said he played frisbee I knew we were going to be friends, he is probably the first Argentine I've met that knew what a frisbee was. Just keep praying for our group of students and my family. I hope that everything is good in SC and I'm praying for yall. I really like how Paul ends Ephesians
"Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible."


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sorry there haven´t been any more posts for those of you who messaged me. I won´t mention any names...marie. I have had some problems with my computer and I´m pretty sure my charger is broken so I can only use the computers at the university. But life is great in Argentina, I´m definately missing some things in America but I´ve been able to make a few friends and I have really enjoyed spending time with my family here. I have only been downtown three times and two times I got very lost. College kids are crazy here, they go out to the dance clubs at about 2 and go home around 6 or 7. Needless to say, I didn´t get the full experience. We were going to go to a dance club, but apparently they don´t let you in if you´re wearing shorts. My favorite times have been at church. Chapman and I went to a church downtown on Sunday and then again on Wednesday for a college Bible study. It was so good to make some Christian friends here, and to see a group of college kids at church. Classes have started and things are starting to get into a rythm. Pray that I would be salty, Ive been thinking a lot about the importance of standing out and being different. Jesus says if salt loses its taste its useless, I don´t want to be useless, so lets be salt for the world around as.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

La adventura comienza!

I just finished my first day in Argentina! It is way past time to go to bed, especially considering my lack of sleep on the flights here. But everything is great I love my family (even though i don't understand a lot of what they say) and I'm ready to get things going. Thanks so much for all the prayers for safe travel, just be praying that I would represent Christ well for my family and that I'll be able to make some Argentine friends. I will try to write a more legit post when I'm not falling asleep. I love you all!
La paz,
